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Poll: healing

Posted: Fri May 29, 2009 9:21 pm
by Dae
Debate going on in the tanking forum... about healing <_<

Re: Poll: healing

Posted: Fri May 29, 2009 9:25 pm
by Hansell
If I have to go back to MC style I will ./wrists

Re: Poll: healing

Posted: Fri May 29, 2009 10:19 pm
by Kalyn
healers went out of mana in MC? certainly not with 2:00 cooldown mana potions and downranking. i never got my own innervate (/glare jarina) and did just fine mana wise, all the way through patchwerk-type difficulty and the twin emps marathon.

but in the "spirit" of the question, i prefer the new healing style. in the old days when tank death wasn't imminent, you could use the "wrong" heal and still be generally okay. nowadays you have a split second to choose between spells; make the wrong decision and the tank will splatter. it was easier to be a bad healer and thrive before than it is now. it's a lot easier to distinguish between good and bad healers now and that's a good thing.

mana should be a resource needing management though. now the hard fights are all about "dps = mp5" - max your throughput on a few healers, kill it fast and you won't need to worry about mana; take less healers, and make them heal more. the main problem is that healers don't have an effective way to trade hps for hpm for a set cast time, and they haven't since they removed downranking. the hps/hpm trades now are far too drastic (HL vs. FoL, nourish vs. HT, HW vs. LHW) that using the "wrong" spell will jeopardize the life of your tank in some way, anachronizing one of the spells and thereby making trading hps for hpm nonviable.

Re: Poll: healing

Posted: Fri May 29, 2009 10:35 pm
by Hansell
Let me clarify - I prefer the new way - I like thinking thru what needs to be done rather than spamming HT and nodding off between pulls.

Re: Poll: healing

Posted: Fri May 29, 2009 10:40 pm
by Contract
I healed as a Paladin and it got very boring to spam Flash of Light a billion times during a boss fight. I didn't have the mana issues like other healers due to illumination hax, hust padding the lost mana with pots.

Priest healing always seemed more fun to me, more option, "oh crap" buttons, and different mana regen.

I don't really recall losing all my mana on either of them unless things were going downhill.

Re: Poll: healing

Posted: Fri May 29, 2009 11:22 pm
by Carlond
I want to run out of mana. I want healing rotations. I want to be forced to work as a team or fail. Healing today is a button mashing extravaganza. If the green bars move I reach for my keyboard and can be mostly successful no mater what heal my finger chooses. Removing mana from the healing equation for me removes a good chunk of the fun out of playing a healing class. I like restrictions and figuring out how to get around them. That is why I choose to play healers in every game I play.

Re: Poll: healing

Posted: Fri May 29, 2009 11:42 pm
by Daaman
I can't heal. Y'all do good... Nuff said.

Re: Poll: healing

Posted: Sat May 30, 2009 1:30 am
by Whipwreck
/miss rank4 ht spam. even better when i got the idol from instructor. gained mana while hitting rank3. im with k though, once inny was a base spell i hated binks. wtb 2pc t2 back.

Re: Poll: healing

Posted: Sat May 30, 2009 1:32 am
by Whipwreck
sorry, correct answer would be ; when was the whipwreck ever a healer?

Re: Poll: healing

Posted: Sat May 30, 2009 3:48 am
by OnlyJames
well i havent healed anything since BC. but having been a healer back in original wow I can tell you that mana was a slight problem but not serious back in the day. I agree downranking was awesome once you had the gear to go with it. you could spam gheal rank 1 all day long. it was only the worst of the long fight where you ever ran OOM. and when you could pot frequently it was a non issue for sure.

I don't however miss healing one bit ;) healers really do have the weight of the world on em. a feeling I dont miss one bit.

Now I can't relate one bit what healers go through in wotlk because Ive healed a sum total of 1 raid instance in naxx on my paladin. I do know that mana wasnt a serious problem now. I imagine its rare you even need a pot now with the changes.

is that what Blizz is after? no more pots? no more consumables? I'm still never even sure what Blizz has in mind anymore. it was easier in Vanilla wow.